Rosetta - PSA

Rosetta is the first mission designed to orbit and land on a comet. It consists of an orbiter, carrying 11 science experiments, and a lander, called 'Philae', carrying 10 additional instruments, for the most detailed study of a comet ever attempted. During its trek to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Rosetta has completed flybys of the Earth and Mars, and made two excursions to the main asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars to observe (2867) Steins and (21) Lutetia. Note: Launch delays meant that the original target comet Wirtanen was changed to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Prior to this decision, supporting ground-based observations of comet Wirtanen were completed and archived. These are available from the Earth-Based section of the FTP Browser page.
Rosetta is an international mission and data are jointly archived at PSA and NASA's PDS Small Bodies Node. Access to the Rosetta holdings at PDS SBN can be found here.
If you are interested in seeing the latest processed Rosetta NAVCAM and OSIRIS public data in the Image Archives, please see here.
Please Note: Users wishing to retrieve large numbers of data products should use the FTP browser.
Rosetta has held a number of science data workshops. Materials used for those can be found on the Workshops page.
The Rosetta User Manual is now available for archive users. To access the manual, please see here.
Shape Model, Reference Frame and Ancillary DATA
Comet Reference FrameReference Frames and Mapping Schemes of Comet 67P
The document linked here proposes a set of rotational parameters of 67P that defines a common reference frame for the variety of applications within the OSIRIS team, as well as a proposal for common use within the entire Rosetta team. |
Comet And Asteroid Shape Models AND REGION DEFINITION FILESShape Models of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the asteroids Steins and Lutetia.
The OSIRIS and NAVCAM instrument data have been used to generate shape models of the asteroids and comet. The corresponding data sets and links are provided below. Draft versions of shape models not yet in the archive are also provided, as are region definition files. |
ANCILLARY DATASupporting / ancillary data for Rosetta
These data sets contain navigation, housekeeping telemetry, time correlation packets, related observation geometry and other ancillary data for the Rosetta Orbiter and Philae Lander respectively, which were used to generate the SPICE Kernel Dataset and Philae science data. Be aware that the Rosetta Orbiter Ancillary data has not been peer reviewed. |
Rosetta Orbiter Instruments
ALICEUltraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
ALICE will analyze gases in the comet's coma and tail and will measure the production rates of water and carbon monoxide/dioxide. It will also provide information on the surface composition of the nucleus. |
CONSERTComet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission
Probes the comet's interior by studying radio waves that are reflected and scattered by the nucleus. The experiment has elements on both the Orbiter and the Lander. |
COSIMACometary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser
Will analyse the characteristics of dust grains emitted by the comet, including their composition and whether they are organic or inorganic. Note that this is an accumulating dataset, so you will get all COSIMA data by downloading the latest version of the dataset. |
GIADAGrain Impact Analyser and Dust Accumulator
Measures the number, mass, momentum and velocity distribution of dust grains coming from the nucleus and from other directions (reflected by solar radiation pressure). |
MIDASMicro-Imaging Dust Analysis System
MIDAS will study the dust environment around the asteroids and comet. It is designed to provide information on particle population, size, volume and shape. |
MIROMicrowave Instrument for the Rosetta Orbiter
MIRO will be used to determine the abundances of major gases, the surface outgassing rate and the nucleus sub-surface temperature. It will also measure the subsurface temperature of the comet nucleus to depths of several centimeters or more using the continuum channels at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. |
NAVCAMNavigation Camera for the Rosetta Orbiter
The Rosetta Navigation Camera (NAVCAM) is a part of the Rosetta Attitude and Orbital Control System (AOCS). It comprises two identical cameras to provide for complete redundancy and Single Event Upset (SEU). The purpose of the NAVCAM system is to provide Imaging, Autonomous Acquisition and Tracking of Star-fields and Extended Sources, and Autonomous Navigation for the Rosetta spacecraft. |
OSIRISOptical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System
A wide-angle camera (OSIWAC) and a narrow-angle camera (OSINAC) that will obtain high-resolution images of the comet's nucleus and Rosetta's flyby targets. OSIRIS data was also used to help identify the best landing site for Philae. |
ROSINARosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis
Contains two sensors which will determine the composition of the comet's atmosphere and ionosphere, the velocities of electrified gas particles, and reactions in which they take part. It will also investigate possible asteroid outgassing.
Be aware that ROSINA AST2 (Lutetia Flyby) data are still under review and need to be used with caution. |
RPCRosetta Plasma Consortium
In this instrument, five sensors measure the physical properties of the nucleus, examine the structure of the inner coma, monitor cometary activity, and study the comet's interaction with the solar wind. Note that each instrument in the consortium has their own EAICD and catalog file. These can be accessed within the datasets using the ftp links below.
RSIRadio Science Investigation
Shifts in the spacecraft's radio signals are used to measure the mass, density and gravity of the nucleus, to define the comet's orbit, and to study the inner coma. RSI will also be used to study the solar corona during the periods when the spacecraft, as seen from Earth, is passing behind the Sun. |
VIRTISVisible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer
VIRTIS will map and study the nature of the solids and the temperature on the surface of the nucleus. Comet gases will be identified, and the physical conditions of the coma will be characterised. VIRTIS data were used to help identify the best landing site for Philae.
Be aware that VIRTIS AST2 (Lutetia Flyby) data are still under review and need to be used with caution. |
Philae Lander Instruments
APXSAlpha X-ray Spectrometer
Lowered to within 4cm of the comet surface, APXS will detect alpha particles and X-rays, which will provide information on the elemental composition of the comet's surface. Be aware that no calibrated data (CODMAC L3) is available for APXS. Level 1 and 2 (raw) data are provided with engineering information related to instrument response. No science data was obtained from the comet. |
Six identical micro-cameras take panoramic pictures of the surface. A spectrometer studies the composition, texture and albedo (reflectivity) of samples collected from the surface. |
CONSERTComet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission
Probes the comet's interior by studying radio waves that are reflected and scattered by the nucleus. The experiment has elements on both the Orbiter and the Lander. |
COSACCometary Sampling and Composition experiment
One of two evolved gas analysers, COSAC will detect and identify complex organic molecules from their elemental and molecular composition. |
MUPUSMulti-Purpose Sensors for Surface and Subsurface Science
MUPUS uses sensors on the Lander's anchor, probe and exterior to measure the density, thermal and mechanical properties of the surface. |
An evolved gas analyser, which obtains accurate measurements of isotopic ratios of light elements. |
ROLISRosetta Lander Imaging System
A CCD camera which will obtain high-resolution images during descent and stereo panoramic images of areas sampled by other instruments. |
ROMAPRosetta Lander Magnetometer and Plasma Monitor
A magnetometer and plasma monitor study the local magnetic field and the comet/solar-wind interaction. |
SESAMESurface Electrical, Seismic and Acoustic Monitoring Experiments
Three instruments will investigate the comet's outer layers. A Cometary Acoustic Sounding Surface Experiment will measure the way sound travels through the surface; a Permittivity Probe will look at its electrical characteristics; and a Dust Impact Monitor will measure dust falling back to the surface. |
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Data Access
Browse FTP
Comet and Asteroid Shape Models
Rosetta User Manual
Rosetta Orbiter Data
Philae Lander Data
- SPICE Repository
- SPICE PDS Data Set
- Rosetta Orbiter Ancillary Data
- Philae Lander Ancillary Data
- Rosetta Payload Boresight Alignment Details Document